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Let's Chat

Not sure if coaching is right for you? We get it! 


Enjoy a half-hour consult call with Rosanne free of charge, where you can learn more about the coaching journey and have all of your burning questions answered. 


Don't be shy, drop her a line below!

no strings attached


I'd like a complimentary consult!

What time will you be available? (choose all that apply)

Terms & Conditions: I understand that the information submitted on this form will not be treated as confidential. Therefore, I will not provide any confidential information on this form. Furthermore, I understand that any information submitted on this form shall not be used by Eyes Wide Open for any other purpose than to schedule a complimentary consultation. Completion of this form does not satisfy the requirements of a legal contract for coaching services, and therefore does not constitute a coach-client relationship with Eyes Wide Open, its founder and/or its staff.

I look forward to connecting with you!

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